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Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes: What's happening to you and your baby
Disclaimer (0:31)
Introduction (0:23)
What is Diabetes? (1:18)
Definitions (0:30)
What is Gestational Diabetes? (0:27)
The How (0:49)
Facts (0:28)
Risk Factors (1:10)
Symptoms (0:25)
Diagnosis (0:57)
Complications for Mom (0:31)
Complications for Baby (2:28)
Treatment (1:37)
Prevention (0:44)
Wrapping Up (0:48)
Test Your Knowledge
Congratulations! (0:38)
Introduction (0:20)
Outline (0:24)
Testing Your Sugars: Supplies (0:37)
Testing Your Sugar (2:55)
Sugar Testing Tips (1:38)
False Readings (1:18)
Log It (0:47)
Gestational Diabetes Goals (1:08)
Medications (0:54)
Insulin Supplies Needed (0:27)
Injecting with a Pen (2:28)
Insulin from a Vial (0:10)
Injection Tips (2:04)
Potential Concerns (0:44)
Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar (1:00)
Hypoglycemia: when to check (0:46)
Hypoglycemia: How to Treat (1:06)
Hypoglycemia: When to retreat (0:43)
Hypoglycemia Prevention (1:33)
Hypoglycemia Emergency (1:14)
Diet and Exercise (1:06)
Wrapping Up (1:10)
Test Your Knowledge
Congratulations (0:28)
Introduction (0:41)
Definitions (0:39)
Nutrition Content (3:39)
Nutrient Importance (2:08)
Nutrition Label Reading (1:33)
Macronutrient: Fat (0:47)
Macronutrient: Protein (0:47)
Macronutrient: Carbohydrate (0:48)
Glycemic Index (7:29)
Carbohydrate Counting (1:24)
Portion Control (0:31)
Mediterranean Diet (0:34)
How to Choose (1:25)
Applying It (0:58)
Staying in Range (1:05)
Meal Ideas: Breakfast (0:57)
Meal Ideas Lunch (0:32)
Meal Ideas: Dinner (0:47)
Snacks (1:24)
Eat This Not That (1:11)
Eat This Not That (0:54)
Tips and Tricks (2:47)
Wrapping Up: Course Challenge (1:22)
Testing Your Knowledge
Congratulations! (0:45)
Insulin from a Vial
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